Tuesday, May 8, 2007

For My Other Half

we are a whirlwind,
you and I
we sweep through the world
arm in arm
mind in mind
we wait for no one
we stop for nothing

‘you are my life’,
you tell me
joking, but still
‘we share a brain’,
we laugh
joking, but still

we laugh at the same jokes
cry at the same songs
we touch,
arm in arm
hand to hand
hip on hip
because it makes it easier

soul sisters
psycho twins
you lean on me
I lean on you

can you read my mind?
I can read yours

The Implausibility of You & Me

Where did we go wrong?
How is it possible that we have drifted so far
from all that is & isn’t?
You don’t have to save me,
just hold me and tell me if I’m wrong.
Which I must be, because you have yet
to hold me and tell me otherwise.
You have yet to hold me at all.
The voices tell me I shouldn’t be angry.
My implausible daydreams
do not even merit that.
I am grasping at straws and songs
that might have my name
hidden in the beautiful
hold me keep me love me lyrics.
Where did I go wrong?
How is it possible that I believed
in the chance of you & me?