Thursday, April 17, 2008

Eight Hundred and Fifty Four (poem for a boy)

I forgot to tell you

I love you

before you left for home

I thought I would see you

before I lost the memory of your skin

and the smell of your freshly washed hair

we were supposed to have

every goodbye that we wanted

we were supposed to have

all the time in the world

you and me and our cornucopia

of malfunctions and broken promises

were supposed to have a chance to heal

but no part of me cares

about the talking now

and all of me aches for the taste and the chaos of you

and the chance to say only this:

forget what we were

what we were was a land mine

this is now this is here

and I love you more than

Juliet loved Romeo, because really

what were they but lovestruck teenagers

and we, we are eternity

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